Thursday 16 July 2009

Bockleton Video Episode 2

Bockleton Video Episode 1

Please view the extended version of the preview video...featuring the muddy walk and zip line!

Wednesday 8 July 2009


Hello from Bockleton! Messages from Bockleton are on here (below) or on the Chad Vale website Message Board.

To view the messages on here more clearly, click 'View all Images' underneath the slide show, then choose to view 'Full screen'. You can enlarge any of the images to its original size from this page. Apologies- some of the children's handwriting was very small and it may be difficult to read some of the messages!

Please reply if you wish by making a comment on this post, or sending a message to the message board. These are being relayed to the children when we get the opportunity (and internet access!)

Everyone is fine...we are having a great time, and even managed to avoid the rain today!

Bockleton Messages!

Disco, Disco, Disco!!

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Castles and Churches

Today we visited a market town called Ludlow with extremely narrow roads and paths - we had to walk in single file.

Although the market was not on today, we were able see the stalls used to sell meat, fish, fresh fruit and vegetables etc. The streets were narrow and almost cobbled with buildings dating back to Tudor times with the upper floor wider than the ground floor with black wooden beams.

Bockleton Day 2 Photos

Day 1 Photos

Monday 6 July 2009

Photos...coming soon...we hope

Am having some technical issues uploading photos to the blog this evening. We've taken some great ones, so will try again tomorrow.

Off to Ludlow tomorrow- will update again tomorrow evening!

Puddles Galore!

After arriving at Bockleton we were swiftly taken on a 3-mile walk which took us across the muddiest (some might say smelliest) terrain known to man!

After a pleasant (dry) walk by tarmac to Bockleton Church, we were suddenly confronted by torrential rain. Well, to many faint-hearted child this would bring tears of frustration and cries of, "I'm tired!" However to our brave Chad Vale trekkers, it brought smiles and tears of laughter as people slipped about on the muddy farm track and jumped (or fell) in mammoth puddles. Some children ended up with more water in their wellies!

Of course true to form, upon return to the house, the British weather changed from horrendous rain to glorious sunshine whereby allowing everyone to play outside on the football pitch and adventure playground. Whether everyone is tired out enough to go straight to sleep we'll have to wait and see.

Mr. Cham

Day One in the Bockleton House...

We arrived safely at approx. 11.00am and unpacked in our rooms. Our lunch was warm, crusty baguettes with a choice of cheese or ham, and a well stocked salad bar, followed by fruit salad. We then moved all of our outdoor clothes/boots to the boot room and the children who needed to borrow wellies and waterproofs went to collect them.

Our first activity then begun- which was 3 mile walk in the local area, along country roads, across fields and through farms. It certainly was an experience as we got soaked within the first few minutes as the heavens opened! Luckily, we dried as the walk went on and any wet clothes are now drying in the drying room.

We've just had our dinner, chicken pie, veg hot pot, choice of veg and salad bar! It was very nice! The children now have some dorm time and are getting ready for their free time. Everyone is fine and enjoying their stay so far- hopefully we will get some photos published this evening or tomorrow!

Enjoy the peace and quiet...!

Love from the Staff and Children from Bockleton!