Monday 6 July 2009

Day One in the Bockleton House...

We arrived safely at approx. 11.00am and unpacked in our rooms. Our lunch was warm, crusty baguettes with a choice of cheese or ham, and a well stocked salad bar, followed by fruit salad. We then moved all of our outdoor clothes/boots to the boot room and the children who needed to borrow wellies and waterproofs went to collect them.

Our first activity then begun- which was 3 mile walk in the local area, along country roads, across fields and through farms. It certainly was an experience as we got soaked within the first few minutes as the heavens opened! Luckily, we dried as the walk went on and any wet clothes are now drying in the drying room.

We've just had our dinner, chicken pie, veg hot pot, choice of veg and salad bar! It was very nice! The children now have some dorm time and are getting ready for their free time. Everyone is fine and enjoying their stay so far- hopefully we will get some photos published this evening or tomorrow!

Enjoy the peace and quiet...!

Love from the Staff and Children from Bockleton!

1 comment:

  1. 'Silvertwin' is Julian (Lydia's Dad), in case you were wondering!
