Monday 6 July 2009

Puddles Galore!

After arriving at Bockleton we were swiftly taken on a 3-mile walk which took us across the muddiest (some might say smelliest) terrain known to man!

After a pleasant (dry) walk by tarmac to Bockleton Church, we were suddenly confronted by torrential rain. Well, to many faint-hearted child this would bring tears of frustration and cries of, "I'm tired!" However to our brave Chad Vale trekkers, it brought smiles and tears of laughter as people slipped about on the muddy farm track and jumped (or fell) in mammoth puddles. Some children ended up with more water in their wellies!

Of course true to form, upon return to the house, the British weather changed from horrendous rain to glorious sunshine whereby allowing everyone to play outside on the football pitch and adventure playground. Whether everyone is tired out enough to go straight to sleep we'll have to wait and see.

Mr. Cham

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